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I’ve come to realize that being human is kinda like a business.

I mean, think about it…
We are the owners of this life.

We decide  what the “business model” our life will look like by the choices me make.

We decide what “business partners” we want to “hire” to work with us along the way.

So if we all acknowledge that we own our “life business” or at the very least, we know that we WANT to…
How come we so often disregard or disrespect our own core values that we know will make our little “business” a successful one?

Well, friends… all I’m gonna say is:
Good thing you decided to join me today!

 Because in this episode we are going to get into all the things that we do, as humaning humans lol, to our own selves that are actually causing our little self run businesses to fail.

We’re going to have to be honest with ourselves though, so listen on, if you’re willing, 
And let’s all  open our minds, open our hearts and set aside our own egos for this one.

I believe it’s truly  up to us, but more importantly—what do you think? 
 Can we actually get ourselves to a place where all we do is work at building this “business” of our dreams?

 I say….Let’s find out!

Ready?  Good !!
Now, everyone STFU and mute your phones lol 
This metaphorical Zoom call starts right now 😉

More episodes from "Jen is Zen-ish"