Iced Latte Girls podcast

14. In the Guest Chair: Marinos on Finding Your Path and Staying Inspired

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The owner of Constantinides Bakeries, Olivia’s uncle, takes Maria’s chair in this week’s episode. A major role model in her life, he has always been there to talk to when she feels lost. Marinos shares his tips and recommendations on staying motivated and overcoming feelings of being stuck in life.

Marinos Constantinides - @marinoscon

Follow us on Instagram - @icedlattegirls
Olivia Constantinides - @oliviacg
Maria Gojkovicc - @gojkovicc

The team behind the camera
Production: @blacklemontv
Producer: Andreas Phylactou
Editor: Chrysanthi Demetriou
Logo: Artemis Psathas
Motion Graphics: Tasos Constantinou

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