Food Biz Wiz podcast

244. 3 Food Founder Mistakes You Might Be Making

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We know. When someone tells you what not to do, it’s easy to tune them out. Maybe they aren’t in your position or they don’t have experience with your challenges. But it’s quite the opposite in today’s episode. Charlie Berkinshaw, the founder and CEO of Element Shrub and our VP of Student Success here at Retail Ready®, joins Alli to discuss the top 3 mistakes he sees food founders make. Charlie has been running Element Shrub for over 9 years as a solopreneur, which means that he knows firsthand the challenges of this industry. You’ll hear…

  • How running a business based on what other folks are doing can be costly
  • What you can do to avoid running into unexpected costs when you don’t account for your labor
  • And why you need to be eyes wide open on what a distributor might cost

Charlie’s sharing all this and more so that you can save yourself time and effort. If you’d like to learn more about Element Shrub and Charlie’s work here at Food Biz Wiz, then check out our full show notes here!

This episode is sponsored by our Retail Roadmap! Similar to how Charlie shares his “insider” knowledge in this episode, we want to share Alli’s buyer expertise so that you know what it takes to get ON the retail shelf - be it a physical or digital shelf - AND have high sales once you're there! Find our free, nine-step guide to building a brand that flies off the shelf by clicking here so that you’re planning for each next step NOW!

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