Food and Music IOW podcast

Get me to Gurnard Press Bistro Please!

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Michele and Ava Newton took on the business of the much-loved Gurnard Press in Worsley Road, Gurnard. It is a family-run business that values hospitality! Michele has experience in the food industry as a chef, food safety advisor, restaurant owner, nutritionist, and trainer. She also runs the Four Seasons Cookery Academy. Ava is a chef, and her other skills are as a trainer for hospitality, customer service, cooking workshops, plus an event organizer/manager. She also holds a personal license.


During our conversation, the grandmother and granddaughter have a strong bond with each other. Their skills complement each other perfectly, and they have planned a menu that appeals to both adults and children. The Gurnard Press Bistro has received positive feedback in the first few months since its reopening! Ava and Michele aim to continue with the previous owners, the Clark family's ethos, for the Gurnard Press. They talk about respecting the ethos the Press had before, as you will hear Michele viewed the Press as her local cafe.


Many locals who previously viewed the Press as their go-to spot have responded positively to the food and service provided by this dynamic team. Michele and Ava's hard work and creativity will continue to bring them more positive feedback from new and old customers. The Gurnard Press Bistro is in talented hands!

Family is essential to them both, as evidenced by their shared choice of music.

This is the Voice only episode. You will hear the whole of every track if you have a Spotify Premium account. If not, you will hear 30 seconds of each track.

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