Cowboy Poetry podcast

Zoom on the Range

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As we've been in the pandemic and working from home, it seems like I'm on zoom calls all the time. There's so much zoom and so much social media that I developed a a new Kansa state song in honor of the state of Kansas. with apologies to Dr. Brewster Higley, the author of the original Home on the Range, this poem is called zoom on the range.

Zoom zoom on the range where the virtual pictures display

where you will not be heard if your mute is incurred

and the dad gum zoom calls go all day.

How often at night when my screen is still bright,

and I look at websites from afar have I sat with eyes glazed to see videos praise

while I wish that my phone had more bars?

Oh YouTube videos sure can make some good shows

as I work with my webcam

and mics and my day is complete when I Facebook and tweet.

I just wish that my posts got more likes.

So zoom zoom on the range where the virtual pictures display

where you will not be heard if your mute is incurred,

and the dad gum zoom calls go all day.

Happy trails.

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