Cold War Cinema podcast

S1 Ep. 13: Spartacus (1960; dir. Stanley Kubrick)

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Grab your sandals and sword and get philosophical with Jason, Tony, and our guest Paul Klein, as we unpack the wonders of Stanley Kubrick’s Spartacus (1960). The film was adapted from Howard Fast's novel of the same title by Dalton Trumbo, and it is considered a major step in the end of the notorious Hollywood blacklist. The film is also read as an allegory for civil rights stuggles, the HUAC hearings, and "Third World" struggles. All of this and more is discussed in the episode. 

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As always, please suscribe to the podcast, and don't forget to leave a review! And follow Jason on Twitter (X) at @JasonAChristian, Anthony at @tonyjballas, and Paul at @ptklein, and the same handles at BlueSky. Paul's handle on Letterboxd is; Jason's is

Our logo is by Jason Christian 

The theme music for this episode and all forthcoming episodes is by DYAD (Charles Ballas and Jeremy Averitt). 

Please drop us a line at [email protected].

Happy listening!

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