Bloody Sunday 50 Years On podcast

Bloody Sunday 50 Years On - a day when everything changed

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In this podcast we will mark the 50th anniversary of Bloody Sunday by looking back at events that day and the aftermath through the eyes of the relatives of those who died and contemporary reports from the Derry Journal archive at the time. Lives lost and others forever changed, these voices continue to campaign for justice today.

Bloody Sunday 50 Years On, the day everything changed is a podcast by the Derry Journal.

With special thanks to those who contributed and shared their personal experiences; Kay Duddy, Liam Wray, Kate Nash, John Kelly, Leo Young and Mickey McKinney

Thanks to reporters Laura Glenn, Kevin Mullan, Sean McLaughlin and Dáire Ní Chanáin.

For more stories and images marking this anniversary visit

This podcast was presented by Brendan, co-produced by the team at The Derry Journal and edited and co-produced by Kelly Crichton.

The music that features on this podcast is ' Miles to Go' by Joey Pecoraro and Through and Through by Amulets, both of whom you can find on YouTube.

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