9to5workrebels podcast podcast

Gems in Comms – Michelle Agyeman-Coley, Future Brand Thinking – “Blatant discrimination: there was a lot of talent, but I couldn’t work with them.”

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The Gems in Comms series special shines a light on the career journeys of people of colour in PR and communications—an industry that remains predominantly white at 91%.

Sponsored by the PRCA's Race & Ethnicity Equity Board and the UK Black Comms Network, the series explores workplace racism, allyship, and creating supportive environments.

In this episode, I chat with Michelle Aygeman-Coley, Founder & MD of Future Brand Thinking. Michelle opens up about her journey, tackling blatant discrimination, and shares how she created spaces where diverse talent could thrive.

A must-listen for anyone passionate about inclusivity in PR and communications.

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