The Show About Nothing podcast

S6E5 - The Panic Years - The Mother of all decisions

Spola tillbaka 15 sekunder
Spola framåt 15 sekunder

Tune in to the Show about Nothing covering "The panic years" today - those weird years at the end of your 20s and early 30s.

Do you still feel like you are a teenager but people around you expect you to be financially responsible? Are you panicking cause the last ten years of your life went by incredibly fast without you even realizing it? My friend, we’re sorry to say that yes indeed you have entered the panic years. People expect you to make decisions that are a little more impactful than ordering a round of tequila shots for the table. Like planning babies - when you were avoiding pregnancy like the plague during your 20s. Relatable?

PanicYears #20s #30s #fertility #career #family #decisions #PodcastLife #RealTalk #k103 #tsan #theshowaboutnothing #studentradio #radio #podd #musik #thisisgu #göteborgsuniversitet #chalmersftw #chalmers #k103gbg #göteborg #studentradionisverige

📻: Saturdays 18.00-19.00 103,1MHz, Hosts: Marie Heimburg, Fatima Ammalou and Belén Sabroso Ballesteros.

This is a podcast from K103 Gothenburg Studentradio

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