Returning to Base: A Mechwarrior Living Legends Podcast podcast

Returning to Base 11: A Mechwarrior Living Legends Podcast: Tactics Advice from Pubbers

Spola tillbaka 15 sekunder
Spola framåt 15 sekunder

Host: Warlord Kentax

Guests: Direwolf2k, Down4theBrown, Perseus, Xesle, Architect

Special thanks to CW/Γ Andrew for always rescuing my awful recording quality.

Mechwarrior: Living Legends is a combined arms standalone multiplayer  mod for Crysis Wars. Taking place in the late Jihad era, Living Legends  brings a full compliment of Battletech assets to bear.

Whether it's defending your allies from aerial threats with a Partisan  anti-aircraft tank, finishing off a limping enemy with an Epona hover  tank, scouting the enemy's position with a Donar VTOL, hunting down  bombers with a Corsair aerospace fighter, sieging enemy strongholds with  the Mobile Long Tom Artillery piece, swarming unsuspecting targets with  Clan Elemental battle armor, or obliterating the competition with a  pair of well placed Improved Heavy Gauss shots from a Fafnir assault  mech... Living Legends brings a more complete Battletech experience than  any other video game ever has.

Currently available are the Team Solaris Arena and Test of Strength  Deathmatch modes, the solaris Arena Free-for-All mode, the  spawn-ticket-based Terrain Control mode, and community organized games  each weekend.

Will you be a forgotten casualty or a Living Legend?



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