Brand Frontlines podcast

The Visz + The Mish

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VISION: Your biggest, boldest goal expressed in as few words as possible.

A vision is vital to the forward movement of a company. It is the beacon on the hill. The mission is the path to get to that beacon.

Vision is not differentiating but it must be big and bold and visionary. It is almost impossible to create a vision that is too big. Some you may never fulfill, you’ll always be reaching for them. The vision is also basically the brand story plot line.

The minimum bold vision should push the business at least a few years. Once you get to that strategic achievement, you need to re-vision.


*LEGACY EXERCISE: Imagine in the future, you open the New York Times or Wall Street Journal to read a huge profile of your organization. It has closed because it accomplished every goal it set out to achieve and the vision is totally fulfilled. 

*BLUE SKY EXERCISE: Imagine that you are an entry in Wikipedia and you are totally worthy of it. 

*FUTURE HEADLINE EXERCISE: Five years from now, the best possible outcome. 

*FILL-IN-THE-BLANK EXERCISE: We see a world in which _________ happens and enables __________ to happen. And how do we help to create a world in which this can happen?

We do these early in a work session, to set the tone and they get everyone away from thinking about the literal Vision Statement.

Crafting the vision is not a committee process, it is the work of the leader. 

There is also a PURPOSE STATEMENT which might not be the vision of the company, but the underlying reason for starting the enterprise.

Applied Storytelling Vision Statement: To transform markets through the power of storytelling. 

Purpose Statement: To eliminate barriers to understanding and connection. 

MISSION: The path to the vision

The mission states your customer and how you deliver value. 

You may have many kinds of customers and you should describe them by the largest common denominator. 

Applied Storytelling Mission Statement: To enable organizations to achieve key business and market objectives by articulating and activating their brands.

We have looked at the V+M for the top 500 companies and most didn’t have both and the ones that did have them did not have good ones.

Have good brand hygiene!

FILL-IN-THE-BLANK EXERCISE: Who do you sell to? What do you sell them?

GETTING TO THE VISION EXERCISE: How do we achieve that bold vision?

FIRST DOLLAR EXERCISE: Where is the first dollar you make coming from? Is that where you want your money to comes from?

The mission needs to be clear and true, but not necessarily bold and inspiring. It does not need to be a differentiating statement. The mission and vision need to fit together and makes sense as a branded pair. 

The mission statement is basically an internal tool to make sure you are in stride with your strategic goals.


Jack Welch, Winning

Watch: TED Talk: How Great Leaders Inspire Action, Simon Sinek

Simon Sinek Start With Why 

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