A Blythe Coach podcast

098: Charming Chosen Challenges - ways to try or jumpstart a habit

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Last October I tried out my first Inktober Drawing Challenge, and in January I've kept sketching going on a weekly basis. Drawing and visual arts is really a whole other way of being creative than my usual dancing and yet also very relevant to the enterprise of shape, shaping and space in my dance and movement practices as well.

I got a lot of value out of the challenge of producing 31 drawing studies in in as many days. It was also super inspiring to see the works of, and connect on social media with, “real” illustrators and other visual artists. Great to be influenced by new works and creators!

As November passed, I witnessed those who participated in the latest round of NaNoWriMo at work on their books, some ultimately "winning" the 50,000-words-in-30-days challenge. In 2019 I took on the challenge to write a novel in a month myself, not “winning” the challenge, but coming closer than ever before with a 18,600-word partial novella.

This podcast and the show notes blog article below include a sampling of challenges I have enjoyed, learned from, and hosted in the past which have led to valuable insights and in some cases lasting positive change.

​Access the Charming Chosen Challenges Show Notes Article here

Personally, I'm always on the lookout for fun and motivating challenges in different areas where I'd like to learn and grow.

Questions for Reflection

  • What sorts of challenges have you participated in previously and what was your experience? Did you experience lasting growth?
  • What challenge would be the most supportive for you going forward?
  • Which skills and habits are you working on currently?
  • What tends to prevent you from taking on or succeeding at challenges?

Let’s connect by email or on Instagram @ablythecoach, I would love to hear your perspective!

Blythe Stephens, MFA, Bliss Catalyst
they/them or she/her
Creator of A Blythe Coach: dance through your difficulties
and take leaps of faith into a joyful, fulfilling life

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