Who Can It Be Now with Marilyn Alauria podcast

Eps 189 - Manifest Anything You Want: 6 Magical Steps with Shantini Rajah

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"Shantini brings together a unique alchemy of science and spirituality to everything she does."

Did you know that toxic positivity, the pressure to stay positive, can stifle genuine emotions?

In this episode of Who Can It Be Now?, I interviewed Shantini Rajah, a writing and manifesting mentor, and energy practitioner. We explore the concepts and story behind her upcoming book, Manifest Anything You Want. The conversation delves into the concept of toxic positivity, the "one healing breath," manifesting avatars, and the significance of joyful play in the manifesting process.

Don't forget to catch this insightful interview on how to manifest a joyful and fulfilling life!

In this episode, you’ll learn:

  1. Shantini Rajah’s journey from physics and engineering to becoming a successful writer and manifesting mentor
  2. Toxic positivity and its impact on manifesting desires
  3. How to manifest desires from a place of joy and safety
  4. The importance of being true to oneself in the manifesting process

Work with Marilyn

  1. 10x Your Life Class: https://www.marilynalauria.com/10x
  2. Next Level Living: https://www.marilynalauria.com/next-level-living/


Meet Shantini:

Shantini Rajah is a writing and manifesting mentor and energy practitioner. She loves helping conscious entrepreneurs find their true voice and manifest a life and business they love. As a trained physicist and engineer, Shantini brings together a unique alchemy of science and spirituality to everything she does. She has successfully worked on million dollar digital launches and her clients are some of the biggest names in personal growth and healing, such as bestselling author and legendary energy medicine teacher Donna Eden and world-renowned leader in transformational education, Mindvalley. Shantini is also a sought-after ghostwriter who has penned bestselling personal growth books for well-known authors. Over the years, her writing has appeared in Forbes, Inc. Hay House books, ELLE, Harper’s Bazaar, Sounds True and more. A lifelong lover of books, chocolate and all things magic, Shantini currently lives in sunny Southeast Asia with her husband and beautiful cats Charley, Charcoal and Queency.


Connect with Shantini:

Website: www.shantinirajah.com

Book: Manifest Anything You Want


Related Episodes:

  1. Ep. 183 Discovering Myself
  2. Ep. 182 Discovering the Language of Codes
  3. Ep. 141 What to do When You Keep Hitting the Wall


Meet Your Higher Self Free Gift!

Possess greater wisdom, insight, and connection to Universal Consciousness. Get ready to:      

✨ Expand Your Consciousness.   ✨ Connect to your Soul.

✨Anchor into your purpose and grow. ✨Transcend the Ego (release limitations). 

✨Connect to your Intuition and be Self Guided. ✨Make powerful decisions


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