Trensparent with Nyle Nayga podcast

Roan Kardashian and I Argue About Tren & Health

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I apologize ahead of time. I don’t do many bro chats and lost a brain cell listening to my own episode here, so please take some things with a grain of salt. Roans a nice guy and I had a blast shooting the shit with him tho. Bros got an interesting perspective and I definitely got heated😂 Roan & I met at a Jubilee middle grounds video - steroids vs naturals. 

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To be part of any Q&A, follow trensparentpodcast or nylenayga on instagram and watch for Q&A prompts on the story

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Let's chat about the Podcast:

Personalized Bodybuilding Program:

00:00:00 - Teaser & Intro

00:06:01 - Relationship Dynamics in Fitness Circles

00:09:47 - Roan's Origin Story

00:22:47 - Steroid Philosophy Debate

00:34:04 - Steroids. Change my life

00:37:17 - Competition Prep Realities

00:44:02 - How do you feel about Tren?

00:45:50 - Training & Mental Health

00:50:27 - Nyle's physique 

00:51:10 - Industry Controversies

00:54:49 - Can you win shows without Tren?

01:13:51 - Roan’s Transformation Story

01:26:51 - Supplementation Stack

01:33:43 - Mental Health & Body Image

01:39:11 - Psychedelics 

01:45:23 - Worst cycle that you've ever taken? 

01:50:42 - Let’s take about Pro Body Building

02:08:16 - Listener Q&A Session

02:22:15 - Future Goals

#podcast #mentalhealth #holistic #health #hrt #story #discipline #fitness #ifbbpro #npc #bodybuilder #bodybuilding #workout #gym #nutrition #physique #classic

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