The Stop Binge Eating Podcast podcast

Ep #307: Telling Yourself The Whole Story

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When you’re deciding to eat, or deciding to eat more, what are you thinking about? How good it will taste? How pleasurable it will be? How good you will feel? That’s all fine to think about but, is that all that will happen if you eat?


For many people, when they’re deciding to eat, they’re only telling themselves about what will happen at first, a.k.a. the beginning of the story. But what about what will happen at the end? The end matters, it’s coming, and if it’s likely not going to turn out well, you need to be thinking about that. You need to tell yourself the whole story of eating that food or of eating more, all the way until the end.


In this episode, I’m going in depth about why it’s so important that you’re telling yourself the whole story and what can happen if you don’t. This is going to be a really helpful tool for you to use so listen in to learn about it and how to use it.


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