The Mountain Top - Masculine Men Get Women podcast

Take A Stand...For Something - MTP407

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Co-Host Michael Lassen ( We all know that as men we need a strong identity and a sense of purpose. That, of course, leads to us being compelled to make a stand for what we value and believe in. But in post-modern Western culture where every social media account is a potential media outlet, and the iPhones go up at the slightest hint of public drama, we're confronted with having to weigh the costs and benefits of our so-called 'freedom of speech'. My returning guest Michael Lassen is an out-of-the-box thinker on most everything, and now that he's also a singer/songwriter, he considers himself to have a special freedom to, well...stand up and speak out. In this power-packed episode, we hit the ground running by explaining why we need to free our mind and speak up sooner than later, and earlier in life than we may even feel comfortable with. Moreover, we need to be ready at all times to do so. Do you have to be an 'angry young man' to make a stand? Or wait a minute, can anger be positive? What SHOULD we as men take a stand for nowadays? On a related note, what are too FEW men making a stand about? Does doing so necessarily involve fighting angry battles and conflict? Is the secret to humans staying more competent than AI going forward found in this conversation? Do you have to be a 'one-trick pony' with regard to the cause you're passionate toward? I mean, it seems to lack character to simply 'support the current thing' on a revolving basis, so how do we find some balance there? And best of all, how can having two very real passions absolutely supercharge your level of both personal fulfillment and professional success? Get in on the newsletter and more at


The content in this show is NEVER generated by AI. I discovered it can't handle a joke a long time ago. Meanwhile, I'll keep the practical, actionable ideas coming as well as the entertaining part...all for free. If you love what you hear, please rate the show on the service you subscribed to it on (takes one second) and leave a review. As we say here in Texas, I appreciate you!

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