The Epstein Chronicles podcast

Judge Rakoff Approves The JP Morgan Settlement And Marsha Blackburn Fires Off An Epstein Subpoena

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Judge Rakoff has given the final seal of approval to the 290 million dollar settlement between the Epstein survivors and the bank. After considering an objection from 17 states about the settlement, Judge Rakoff told them that they had their chance to do what the USVI did and none of them did it.

So, he ruled against them and let the settlement proceed as drawn up.

In our second article we take a look at the grandstanding that happened in the Senate. Senator Marsha Blackburn announced during a fiery senate hearing that she was drawing up subpoena's for Jeffrey Epstein's flight records. She says that since everyone is so interested in transparency and ethics all of a sudden, that they might as well take a look at who was on those planes.

I have to say, I agree.

The question is, will the subpoena have any teeeth? Or is it just more political posturing?

(commercial at 8:51)

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JPMorgan's $290 million settlement with Epstein accusers approved by US judge | Reuters

Sen. Blackburn Requests Subpoena Of Jeffrey Epstein’s Estate, Demanding Infamous Flight Logs | The Daily Wire

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