Rokcast podcast

Big Bucks, Bigger Secrets: Antelope Island Unguided

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Mule Deer Hunting on Antlelope Island in the Great Salt Lake is probably one of the more unique hunting opportunities in the world. At auction, this tag broke multiple records for dollars raised. What most people forget, is the other tag available through the Utah draw process to a lucky recipient. Chuck Carpenter was the guy that drew the 2024 public tag on the Island and his story has to be one of my favorite stories from this hunting season. We dive into the history of the island, how he kept drawing the tag a secret between him and a few close friends, his scouting process, the terrain, habitat and big buck behavior. A great tale of what it was like to be able to hunt and squeeze the most out of a super rare opportunity with his hunting buddies. This was a lot of fun to be able to hear this story, and I think you'll appreciate how much Chuck enjoyed this experience and all the work they put into getting the most out of it. Chuck with his 2024 Antelope Island Buck..... Look at those bases! See more from Chuck here on his Instagram Page Some more similar content on getting really special tags- If I had a Governors Tag Podcast As always, join the thousands of discussions on

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