Payback Time podcast

S5E12 - Skyrocket SaaS Sales with Partnerships with Barrett King

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A lot of new tech entrepreneurs believe the best way to generate leads and increase sales is through paid ads, social media, or SEO. Believe it or not, none of these strategies come close to channel partnerships and in this episode, my next guest breaks down simple strategies on how you can identify and establish partners that help you skyrocket your sales. Please welcome, Barrett King.

Partnerships play a crucial role in the growth and success of businesses, especially in today's competitive landscape. By joining forces with other companies, businesses can leverage each other's strengths and resources to achieve mutual goals and drive growth. Establishing strong partnerships is not only about expanding reach and increasing revenue but also about creating value for customers and fostering innovation. In this episode, we will explore the importance of partnerships in business and how they can be a key driver of success.

Key Timecodes

  • (00:49) - Show intro and background history
  • (09:36) - How to acquire good channel partners
  • (15:20) - Deeper into his business strategies
  • (17:35) - Some lessons learned or mistakes made
  • (19:56) - His best success stories
  • (24:12) - How he build his ideal team
  • (27:19) - A bit about inbound market
  • (29:54) - A key takeaway from the guest
  • (33:31) - Guest contacts

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