News For Kids podcast

Students Want to Save Deer from Cars

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K*News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) ________________________________ Deer are beautiful animals. It's exciting to see them in a forest. But it's not good when a deer is on a road. That's very dangerous. 鹿是美麗的動物,在森林看到牠們會讓人很開心。但是鹿如果出現在道路上就糟糕了,那會很危險。 A deer can die when a car hits it. People can get hurt too. 鹿被車子撞到可能會死掉,人也可能受傷。 In the U.S., two high school students want to help deer. They want to make a device. It can help stop cars from hitting deer. It has a camera. It also uses artificial intelligence, or AI. 美國有兩個高中生打算製造一個裡面裝有人工智慧相機的設備,讓車子不會再撞到鹿。 How does the device work? The AI camera watches a road. It sees a car… And it sees a deer near the road! Then the device makes sounds! 它是怎麼運作呢? 這個AI相機會監視道路,當它拍到一隻鹿靠近車輛時,便會發出聲音! They are animal sounds. Maybe they're bear sounds! Maybe they're lion sounds! These sounds scare the deer. It runs away! It doesn't go onto the road. 它發出的是動物的聲音,也許是熊或獅子的吼叫聲,這些聲音會把鹿嚇跑,就不會跑到道路上。 The students got a prize for their idea. They won $15,000 U.S. dollars. That's about $480,000 Taiwan dollars! Wow! 這個點子讓學生贏得了一萬五千元美金,相當於四十八萬台幣!! Now the students can make their device. Maybe they can make lots of them! Deer need help. Nobody wants cars to hit deer! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vocabulary 用科學技術保護野生動物,真是好辦法! 1. scare 驚嚇。 Here comes the deer. 那隻鹿來了。 Wow! … shhhh! It's so beautiful! 牠真美! Yeah. 是啊。 But it's eating your flowers! 但是牠在吃你的花! Do you want to scare it away? 你要把牠嚇走嗎? 2. stop 制止。 Why do I want to do that? 為什麼要那樣? To stop it from ruining your garden! 好讓牠不要毀了你的花園! 3. sound 聲音。 It's okay. Just some flowers. 沒關係,只是幾朵花而已。 Hey, those are my vegetables! 嘿,那是我種的青菜! Maybe you can make some dog sounds.你也許可以學狗叫。 4. run away 跑掉。 Woof, woof! There, it's running away. 好了,牠跑掉了。 But I feel bad about it. 但是我覺得不開心。 你有看過野生的鹿嗎? 來讀單字。 scare驚嚇 stop制止 sound聲音 run away跑掉 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quiz 1. What kind of sounds does the device make? a. Car sounds b. Plane sounds c. Animal sounds 2. What does the device see when it makes sounds? a. A forest and a road b. A lion and a bear c. A deer and a car 3. What did the students win? a. A camera b. Money c. A car Answers: 1. c 2. c 3. b -- Hosting provided by SoundOn

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