Musings On Wellbeing podcast

Musings On Wellbeing

Charlie Bresler

We are excited to launch a new season for “Musings….” This season we have changed the title to reflect a shift in our focus. The new title is “Musings on Wellbeing.” Why the change? At a time of increased polarization in the United States and Europe, as well as threats to peace in the Middle East and Africa, the time is right to dive deeply into the concept of wellbeing. After all, isn’t that what we all seek for ourselves, our families, our communities, and our planet? Together with host Charlie Bresler, guests will explore a variety of perspectives on the theme of wellbeing. Hopefully, these interviews will provoke listeners to do their own exploration: What is your pathway to personal wellbeing? How, as a society, can we create a pathway that promotes the wellbeing of all our citizens? In a world that too often makes us feel powerless, Charlie and guests are helping us identify steps (quite literally) to take to increase personal and societal wellbeing. Charlie Bresler, Ph.D. is a clinical and social psychologist who, after a career as a graduate professor of psychology, ventured into the world of business and philanthropy. He is the former president of a large international retail company and co-founder of The Life You Can Save.

28 Episódios