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MINI COURSE: Discover Your True Self (Part One) Welcome to the Join Up Dots podcast! Today’s episode is inspired by Ellen DeGeneres’s powerful words: "Find out who you are and be that person. That's what your soul was put on this Earth to be. Find that truth, live that truth and everything else will come." In this episode, we explore the importance of self-discovery and living authentically. We discuss how understanding your strengths, values, and passions can lead to better decisions, stronger relationships, and increased resilience. We also address common barriers to self-discovery, such as societal expectations, fear of judgment, past traumas, and self-doubt, offering practical steps to overcome them. Join us as we guide you through self-reflection techniques, including finding a quiet space, asking yourself key questions, and journaling your thoughts. This journey is about embracing your uniqueness and finding fulfilment in being unapologetically you. Tune in to start your journey to authentic living today! Share this episode with friends and family, and inspire others to discover their true selves. Perfect for anyone feeling stuck or seeking deeper self-connection, this episode offers practical advice on living authentically. Join us on the Join Up Dots podcast and be inspired to uncover your true self.

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