Inner Work: A Spiritual Growth Podcast podcast

Inner Work 233: A Direct Line to Divine Source

Recuar 15 segundos
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Navigating the 3D, human, earthly, mostly ego-based plane can be challenging. It can demand a lot from us.

For this reason, it's completely natural to feel a sense of tiredness, exhaustion, or just wanting to "go back home."

BUT -- in these chaotic times of revolution and upheaval, the Lightworkers and Light-Leaders are being called to be more fully present than ever before. Not to escape reality, but to be more fully grounded in that reality, so we can create actual, meaningful change.

Join me for this episode of INNER WORK so we can make a difference together, and meet the challenges ahead while staying connected at all times to Divine Source -- and to our inner wisdom, knowing, clarity, and purpose.

Explore how the Akashic Records can help you do just that.

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Thank you for being here, doing your inner work, and leading the way for others with your light. It makes a difference!

Music & editing by G. Demers

Inner Work 2025 All Rights Reserved.

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