Ding Dong Darkness Time podcast

36: Finale -- The Cult of Multi-Level Marketing Companies

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In the last episode of their coverage on multi-level marketing companies, Allison and Beverly delve into the darkest of the dark side of these schemes, selecting several personal accounts found online as well as talking a little bit about one particularly gnarly company the Feds shut down back in the early seventies for deceptive trade practices, among other things: Holiday Magic. There might have been coffins and crucifixions involved.

Finally, Allison delivers one final definitive statement about MLMs and their ties to a well known family annihilation case that not nearly enough people talk about.

Additional Info:

MLM Horror Stories on Reddit

Holiday Magic

The Dream Podcast Season 1

Learn more about guest Beverly Bambury!

Show Credits:
Graphics -- Nathaniel Dickson: http://ndickson.com
Music -- Spencer Morelock, Ken Dickson

Ding Dong Darkness Time Media:
Twitter: @dddarknesstime
Instagram: dddarknesstime
Gmail: [email protected]

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