Deep Questions with Cal Newport podcast

Ep. 295: Artists Revolt Against Social Media

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In this episode Cal takes a closer look at a growing trend of artists quitting social media and instead reverting to old-fashioned websites. Are these acts of principled sacrifice or a sustainable way to be creative online? Cal argues for the latter, showing how the internet without social media curation algorithms can be a place of rich discovery and audience building. He then takes questions on similar topics and ends by playing a few rounds of “deep or crazy” during the final segment.

Below are the questions covered in today's episode (with their timestamps). Get your questions answered by Cal! Here’s the link:

Video from today’s episode:

Deep Dive: A Quiet Revolt Against Social Media [7:37]

- Is my deep living too extreme? [45:06]
- LinkedIn is getting toxic. Should I quit that too? [47:39]
- Where do online articles fit into the life of a digital minimalist? [51:09]
- Did Cal design the specifications for the hardcover copy of “Slow Productivity”? [54:04]
- How do I not feel overwhelmed by online content after a Digital Declutter? [58:07]
- CALL: Obsessing over quality [1:01:08]

CASE STUDY: Applying lessons from “Digital Minimalism” [1:06:37]

CAL REACTS: Deep or Crazy? [1:13:54]


Thanks to our Sponsors: 

Thanks to Jesse Miller for production, Jay Kerstens for the intro music, Kieron Rees for slow productivity music, and Mark Miles for mastering.

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