Cigar Sense Podcast podcast

052: Doubts and reactions to sensory analysis

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Many doubts, reactions, engagements and questions indicate the interest that the cigar industry is showing in sensory analysis. We welcome them all.

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Quick episode summary

What is the meaning of "tasting"?
What is different from food & beverage products when applying sensory analysis to cigars?
Can the results drive products adrift?
Is the individual drowned in the average?
Does the individual become data to be mediated?
Do only mechanical/industrial cigars justify the application of sensory analysis?
How do you resolve for the product variability?
How about variability of cigars through storage and aging?
The molecular orientation of the smoke can change the sensory perceptions. How do you cope with this?
How can humans work like machines, with no influence from the external world?
How far can only subjective expressions be taken into account?


Resources mentioned during this episode

Cigar Sense article Sensory analysis, a misunderstood discipline
Cigar Sense article Sensory analysis, questions and reactions
Cigar Sense Podcast episode 51 A new profession in the cigar industry
Aniello Buonincontro's book Degustazione Razionale



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