Learn Catalan - The Lazy Linguist Podcast podcast

S2. E11. Mental Health - La Salut Mental - Intermediate Catalan

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Benvinguts a un altre episodi! Welcome to another episode!
We've previously talked about health, but focussed more on physical health and how to take care of your body, but taking care of your mind is just as important!
This episode dives into a few ways of expressing emotions or situations like feeling pressure, stress, overwhelm etc, as well as some of the things you can do to look after your mental health. It's great for when you want to have those deeper chats in Catalan and not just always resort to 'bé' when asked how you are!

We hope you enjoy it!

If you want more, feel free to check out the bonus episode and extra resources on Patreon - vocabulary summaries and detailed lesson notes from the episode.

We also just want to say a big thank you to anyone who has purchased the Beginner's course - estem desbordats amb el suport! 
Esperem que us sigui util :)

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Course: Check out our new Beginners Course
Patreon: The Lazy Linguist
Buy us a coffee: Buy me a Coffee
Instagram: @lazylinguistcatalan
Facebook: The Lazy Linguist Podcast
Christina offers private lessons - enquire through a DM on socials or through the link: Private lessons

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