AIPT Comics podcast

Juan Ferreyra talks redefining Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles with Jason Aaron

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  1. Full February Marvel Comics Solicitations!
    1. New ‘One World Under Doom’ tie-ins revealed: Storm, Fantastic Four, and X-Factor
    2. Marvel set to adapt 'Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker' in 2025
    3. Every Ultimate Universe cover and summary revealed for February 2025
    4. The X-Men join Spider-Man in a battle with Cyttorak next February 2025
    5. Four part crossover ‘Pools of Blood’ kicks off February 2025
  2. Marvel reveals Free Comic Book Day 2025 titles
  3. IDW unveils Free Comic Book Day 2025 offerings
  4. Dynamite reveals 'Thundercats/Powerpuff Girls' #0 FCBD crossover issue
  5. Skybound reveal FCBD 2025 comic 'TRANSFORMERS: Worst Bot Ever: Meet Ballpoint'
  6. 'Energon Universe Special' 2025 set for Free Comic Book Day
  7. 'Absolute Batman' #1 breaks records: How it became 2024's best-selling comic
  8. DC Heroes Role-Playing Game 40th Anniversary Kickstarter launched
  9. 'Who are the Power Pals?' buddy comedy miniseries coming March 2025
  10. From the World of Minor Threats: Welcome to Twilight’ packs star-studded creator lineup
  11. Marvel officially teases 'Predator vs. Spider-Man' for 2025

Our Top Books of the Week


  1. Ice Cream Man #42 (W. Maxwell Prince, Martin Morazzo)
  2. The Power Fantasy (2024) #4 (Kieron Gillen, Caspar Wijngaard)


  1. The Question: All Along the Watchtower #1
  2. Venom War: It’s Jeff! #1

Standout KAPOW moment of the week:

Nathan - Godzilla: Skate or Die!

Dave - Batman: Full Moon #2 (Rodney Barnes, Stevan Subic)


  1. Dave: Absolute Wonder Woman #2 (Kelly Thompson, Hayden Sherman)
  2. Nathan: Justice League Unlimited #1 (Mark Waid, Dan Mora)


  1. Dave: Venom War #5 (Peach Momoko Cover
  2. Nathan: The Flash #15 (Mike Del Mundo)

Interview: Juan Ferreyra - TMNT #6 six out January 29th (FOC is December 9th)

  1. Juan, pleasure to chat with you again, we last spoke in October 2022 about Deadly Neighborhood Spider-Man, and now you’re onto TMNT #6…sir, are you living the dream?
  2. Last we spoke you talked about how you get bored easily and are always trying new things, is there anything that pops out to you that you did different with this issue?
  3. Have you been a lifelong Ninja Turtles fan? What was your first experience with the turtles?
  4. Can you take us through your issue #6 cover, with Raph fighting a foto clan on a motorcycle driving along Leo’s sword…like wow how did this idea come to be?
  5. The Turtles are together and back in New York in issue #6, would you say the city is a character in itself? How did you make it come alive?
  6. Is there anything tricky about drawing four characters that are similar, but also ever so slightly different, like how Donnie is skinny?
  7. You’re a master at the side-scrolling layouts, will we see more of those?
  8. Did Jason Aaron’s script challenge you in any surprising ways?
  9. Now that you’ve had a hand in drawing all these turtles, is there a particular one you wouldn’t mind taking on a solo book series?
  10. Spider-Man Noir, it already looks like they’re taking from your series, how pumped are you to potentially see your art on the big screen?
  11. With TMNT being a six-issue gig, can you tease what you’re working on next? 
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