The Unpolished podcast

Ep.61 –Flops for Breakfast

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Ok team, last episode we talked mainly about following little breadcrumbs (nods from the universe// aligned winks) and how to keep a version of the life you want alive in any season.

This episode is about the potential following of a path, and it.. well.. awkward silence FLOPS. Soooo.. NOW WHAT?— Angela talks about an L she took in a business venture and the natural evolution that came out of it.

Kendall discusses the process of switching lanes, career wise.. sharing the advice she gave to someone who asked how she landed a job in interior design with no prior experience in the field.

We also talk about embarrassing in- law moments ++ a passionate rant about a hospice memoir that has kept us up past our bedtime reading.

Happy Memorial Day, everyone. 💓

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