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Join Gregory the Poor Typist as he reads a letter from Portugal! Cam Pooter, our announcer and news correspondent, covers the latest news, welcomes new members, offers birthday wishes to Type Pals celebrating in July, and highlights some of the posts in the Type Pals forums.

Mail letters and postcards to be read in a future episode here:

Type Pals Podcast
PO Box 4292
Riverside CA 92514
United States of America

Type Pals: https://www.typepals.com

We need YOU to record a bumper or member spotlight for the podcast: http://inbox.typepals.com

Gregory the Poor Typist's blog: http://www.poortypist.com

Theme music "Typewriter" by Dubcontext: https://dubcontext.bandcamp.com/track/typewriter

Sound effect "type writing" by mlekoman on Pixabay: https://pixabay.com/sound-effects/search/mlekoman

Special thanks to: Paolo Coelho, Nicola Fisher, and Diane Maher.

New episodes most Thursdays.

Please visit our sponsors:

Typewriter Muse: http://www.typewritermuse.com

Willowcreek Typewriters: http://www.willowcreektypewriters.com

Philly Typewriter: http://www.phillytypewriter.com

Thanks for listening!

© Copyright 2022 by Gregory Short. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

More episodes from "Type Pals Podcast: Pen Pals with Typewriters"