The Sports Coaching Hub Podcast podcast

Lev Vygostky with Dr Gethin Thomas

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In this episode, both of our hosts sat with Dr. Gethin Thomas for a conversation about the work of Lev Vygsotky applied to Sports Coaching. With a shared interest in the work of Vygostky, they discussed some of the most relevant concepts of his work and implications for coaches, including: mediation, tools, language, ZPD, the more knowledgeable other and perishivani.

Yn y bennod hon, eisteddodd y ddau o'n gwesteiwr gyda Dr. Gethin Thomas am sgwrs am waith Lev Vygsotky ar Hyfforddi Chwaraeon. Gyda diddordeb a rennir yng ngwaith Vygostky, buont yn trafod rhai o gysyniadau mwyaf perthnasol ei waith a goblygiadau ar gyfer hyfforddwyr, gan gynnwys: cyfryngu, offer, iaith, ZPD, yr arall mwy gwybodus a perishivani.

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