The Sports Coaching Hub Podcast podcast

Gender in Sport Coaching with Dr. Kerry Harris and Jennifer Larrick

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Mike Castle interviewed Dr Kerry Harris (Senior Lecturer in Sport Coaching and Director of Women’s Football) and Jen Larrick (doctoral candidate). With a vast experience in coaching Women’s Football, Kerry and Jen took us back to their first coaching experiences, shared their journey into academia, and their views on the current landscape of research in coaching and gender. Plus, they both deconstructed some common misconceptions about coaching female teams.

Bu Mike Castle yn cyfweld â Dr Kerry Harris (Uwch Ddarlithydd mewn Hyfforddi Chwaraeon a Chyfarwyddwr Pêl-droed Merched) a Jen Larrick (ymgeisydd doethurol). Gyda phrofiad helaeth o hyfforddi Pêl-droed Merched, aeth Kerry a Jen â ni yn ôl at eu profiadau hyfforddi cyntaf, gan rannu eu taith i'r byd academaidd, a'u barn ar y dirwedd bresennol o ymchwil ym maes hyfforddi a rhywedd. Hefyd, gwnaeth y ddau ddadadeiladu rhai camsyniadau cyffredin am hyfforddi Merched.

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