The Sports Coaching Hub Podcast podcast

An Interview with Professor Robyn Jones

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Mike Castle and Oli Lum interviewed Professor Robyn Jones (Professor of Sport and Social Theory).  In this conversation, Robyn was kind enough to share some personal stories while looking at the field of Sport Coaching with his distinguishing critical gaze. He looked back at his first coaching experiences, took us back to Mississippi where he attained his doctoral degree, his time in Bath University and more recently, about the creation of the Doctorate in SC at Cardiff Metropolitan University. 

Bu Mike Castle ac Oli Lum yn cyfweld â'r Athro Robyn Jones (Athro Chwaraeon a Theori Gymdeithasol).  Yn y sgwrs hon, bu Robyn yn ddigon caredig i rannu rhai straeon personol wrth edrych ar faes Hyfforddi Chwaraeon gyda’i olwg feirniadol nodedig. Edrychodd yn ôl ar ei brofiadau hyfforddi cyntaf, aeth â ni yn ôl i Mississippi lle enillodd ei radd doethur, ei amser ym Mhrifysgol Caerfaddon ac yn fwy diweddar, am greu Doethuriaeth yn Hyfforddi Chwaraeon ym Mhrifysgol Metropolitan Caerdydd.

Sport Coaching review:
Robyn's researchgate profile:

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