The Mindful Healers Podcast with Dr. Jessie Mahoney and Dr. Ni-Cheng Liang podcast

214. Whole-Hearted Medicine with Dr. Michelle Biehl

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Are you frustrated by the constraints that the current healthcare system places on physicians?

Is your well-being jeopardized by challenges at work?

Would you like to embody practicing whole-hearted medicine?

Dr. Michelle Biehl’s inspirational story will galvanize you to feel empowered to take steps towards both living and practicing medicine wholeheartedly.

Dr. Michelle Biehl is a pulmonary and critical care physician at the Cleveland Clinic.  She is the founder of the Post-ICU Recovery Clinic and a certified coach. She immigrated to the US from Brazil after her residency. She did another residency in the US, followed by her fellowship.  Before starting at the Cleveland Clinic she and her physician husband worked in South Dakota to fulfill the requirements of their J-1 Visas. Along the way, they had two children.

Dr. Biehl shares how coaching and a Pause & Presence Sagrada retreat gave her the courage to cut back to part-time and let go of a part of her job that used to be her passion but was now no longer in alignment. 

She shares how hard it was to give herself permission to not work full-time as an immigrant. She shares how she grew the courage to ask her chair and change her life at a recent Pause & Presence Retreat.  Inspired, motivated, rested, and nourished, she returned home, took immediate action, and changed her life.


What did Dr. Beihl learn on her retreat? 

  • How to practice nonjudgmental awareness, tune into her body, and notice alignment and misalignment.  

  • How to trust herself

  • How to slow down and meditate

  • She had previously been making decisions based on what she thought she was “supposed to do” and that she could and wanted to make decisions from her heart

  • It is ok to focus on what she loves.

  • Someone has to be “the first to do it”- why not her?

Move beyond consuming this amazing podcast. True change happens when you work with us - virtually and/or in-person.

If you would like to change your life, learn to trust yourself, grow courage, and make aligned heart-based decisions about how you spend your life, join a Pause & Presence retreat:

If you want to get started right away, sign up to coach with Jessie on Zoom. Join the Fall 2024 Ongoing Presence or Transition Well small groups or treat yourself to 1:1 coaching. Both lead to incredible results.

*Nothing shared in the Mindful Healers Podcast is medical advice.


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