The Mindful Healers Podcast with Dr. Jessie Mahoney and Dr. Ni-Cheng Liang podcast

187. Opting Out of Toxic Achievement Culture

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  • Do you want your child to do and be more than what they are capable of? 

  • Have you yourself been indoctrinated into toxic achievement culture?

  • Would you like to break free from the constraints of toxic achievement culture for yourself and your children?


This episode is another in the Parent with Presence series.  


Our intention is to call out and identify toxic achievement culture and how, to some extent, most of us have been indoctrinated into it.  Through mindfulness and self compassion, we can notice when it arises, and choose to show up for ourselves and our children in a way that is nurturing, loving, and less pushing. We can instead choose to  walk alongside and guide.


Most parents worry about their children's choices and desires, especially when they are different from their own.  If your child is not as achievement focused as you it's  often triggering. Mindfulness, nervous system retraining, and coaching can help both you and your children settle into the journey of life without partaking of toxic achievement culture.


We talk about the influence of scarcity mindset and catastrophizing.  The common worry amongst parents is that they're not caring enough or doing enough, and that their child might be harmed by this.  


What is your job as a parent? 

What kind of a parent do you want to be? 

What do you want to model for your children?

Where are you showing up even if quietly  judging yourself and or your children 

What if you and your children are adequate, above average, more than enough?

What kind of parent would your future self wish you had been?


Check out other episodes in the Parent with Presence series. 


166. Then and Now: Sharing Hard Earned Wisdom and Mindful Perspective About the College Application Process

168. Complicated Dynamics: Tools to Navigate Holidays and Families

151.  Launch Your Young Adult Children with Love (Encore)

150. Parenting Athletes with Presence

124. Great Parenting is Often Messy

105. Lessen Family Drama with "Loving Amusement"

93. Parent Coaching in Action: Helping a Mama Bear Find Relief from Anxiety

78. Parent from Abundance - An Invitation to Step Out of the Parenting “Rat Race”

72. A Mother's Day Gift - Encore Release

71. How To Be An Even Better Mom

67. Teen Mental Health: Mindfulness Can Help

65. Stop Trying to Fix Your Kids

63. Cultivating Mindful Families

61. Savor All the Moments of Parenthood

26. A Gift for Fathers Day: What To Do When You Parent Differently


If you would like to Parent with more Presence, coach with Jessie.  1:1 coaching is available year-round. Once a year she offers small group parent coaching called Parent with Presence.


“There really isn't a day that goes by when I don't recall something you have taught me.  I hope you know in your heart how many lives you have touched, not just directly but through the ripple effect as well.” 

“I can personally attest that as a Family Medicine physician and co-director of Primary Care as well as a mom of two young kids, with a commute, and a partner who also has a demanding job, I may have left a job I love if it weren’t for physician coaching and development. “ 

"Coaching is a game changer."


Move beyond consuming this amazing podcast. True change happens when you work with us - virtually and/or in-person.

Coach with Jessie - 1:1, in topic-focused small groups, or at a retreat.

Work with both of us in person at The Mindful Healers Annual Retreat

Hire one or both of us to speak or lead a workshop on any topic covered in the Mindful Healers Podcast. We also create team retreats, teach yoga, and offer experiential mindfulness for teams, groups, grand rounds, institutions, and conferences.

*Nothing shared in the Mindful Healers Podcast is medical advice.


#physicianwellness #mindfulnesscoach #pauseandpresence #physiciancoach


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