The Last Pelvic + Urinary Healing Podcast You’ll Ever Need podcast

The Last Pelvic + Urinary Healing Podcast You’ll Ever Need

Michael Hodge

It’s time to discover the root truth behind your chronic pelvic or urinary issues. It’s time to get off the merry-go-round of more doctor visits, trying new treatments, and walking in the wrong direction without seeing any changes. (FINALLY! - cue the angelic choir sound clip) I’m Michael Hodge, and I lived through 5 years of crippling pelvic pain and urinary issues. I experienced close-to-suicide challenges that led me down the path of investigation. I wanted to know HOW this happened and what to do to change it. After years of distilling the clearest, most proven-path forward, I am handing it all over to you in this podcast. (*btw, I’ve helped over 1,000 men get better with this approach) This is the last pelvic and urinary healing podcast you need, because it empowers you to look at the ROOT CAUSE beneath the surface. To see the link between your thoughts, emotions, and physical body. In only six episodes, you will be taken on a journey of truth, discovery, and liberation. Let’s start walking — here is the map. (press play on episode one, that’s the map!)

7 Episodes