The First Mile podcast

Ep7: Pip Stewart on Creating a Lifestyle Career, and Making Social Media Work for You.

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Pip Stewart on Creating a Lifestyle Career, and Making Social Media Work for You.

Ever wondered how to become a so-called “influencer”? The secret is storytelling.

In this episode, Ash interviews his friend and co-host, Pip Stewart.

Pip has cycled halfway around the world, embarked on a world-first kayak journey through the Amazon and survived a flesh-eating parasite. She talks about how she accidentally fell into a career in travel journalism, how one massive adventure changed her life, and why she sees social media as the route to editorial independence.

In this episode, discover:

  • Why you need to embrace being shit.
  • If it’s important to get a journalism degree. 
  • Why hustle is key.
  • Why social media is so powerful (and how to avoid its dark side).
  • How Pip got a job as Red Bull’s Adventure Editor.
  • How to get noticed in a crowded media world.
  • How to create a lifestyle career that works for you.
  • Why you should take online relationships offline.
  • How to deal with your ego.
  • How to become an influencer.

Links mentioned in this episode:


We’d love to hear what you think of this week’s The First Mile and if you’ve got any suggestions of topics or people you’d like to hear interviewed. Drop us a line on Instagram @AshBhardwaj and @PipStewart or Twitter @AshBhardwaj and @PipStewart.

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