Terroir-Driven: The Waterford Whisky Podcast podcast

5. From 50 Grams to 50 Barrels - How A Dormant Barley Variety Became Whisky

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For years, once-widespread barley varieties such as Hunter, Goldthorpe and Old Irish lay dormant, yet preserved, in the Department of Agriculture's Seed Bank outside Dublin. These grains held the flavours and stories of a different time where different approaches to farming, brewing and distilling reigned. 

If Waterford Distillery was to continue its quest of pursuing whisky flavour and "the old ways" the team knew that what they sought lay in cold storage in the laboratories of the Seed Bank. 

In this episode we'll share how Waterford Distillery and its growing partners turned 50 grams of heritage barley into 50 barrels of whisky through a 5 year-long passion-fueled process full of challenges and new learnings. 

More episodes from "Terroir-Driven: The Waterford Whisky Podcast"