Student Sparks podcast

Ep. 4 - Alternative Medicine: Is It Valid?

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Hey guys...I am absolutely in favor of Alternative medicine (and it is my preferred method of practice) but forming a proper argument as to why it is important is essential to making sure it continues to build validity within the scientific community. That's why today's episode is important. I'll be going into the most common reasons why people say they like and don't like alt med and determining whether those arguments are valid or not! Hope you enjoy!

DISCLAIMER: We are not medical professionals and are in no way claiming to heal or treat any medical condition. We are not a source for the treatment of medical conditions, only an outlet for research and learning. ADDITIONALLY, our podcast is discussion-based and many opinions and examples shared are not premeditated (although we try our best to have good references) and require listeners to look into the information shared for themselves. Links to referenced research can be found below and on our Instagram. Episode References:

Hawthorn and Blood Pressure - The effect of hawthorn (Crataegus spp.) on blood pressure: A systematic review - ScienceDirect MD Definition of Medicine - AANMC's info on Naturopathic Doctors - What is Naturopathic Medicine? Learn more Now with AANMC Drug Recalls -,better%20regulation%20of%20the%20industry

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