Soul Country - Americana with a Groove podcast

Boogie Long - Soul Country #5

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Jonathon 'Boogie' Long checks in for Soul Country #5. The celebrated guitarist from Baton Rouge, Louisiana, is well known for his powerful blend of blues, rock, and soul. He built a reputation as a top sideman before impressing as a singer-songwriter, he was inducted into the Louisiana Music Hall of Fame before turning 30! Hear some hot licks and stories from an expert at his craft in #5. Boogie gained widespread recognition with his debut album, Trying to Get There (2013), which featured standout tracks like "The River" and "Pray for Me." His follow-up self-titled album in 2018 included the popular song "Bury Me." Boogie has earned several accolades, including winning the 2011 Guitar Center King of the Blues competition. With his intense, heartfelt performances, Boogie Long has established himself as a formidable force in the modern blues landscape. #blues #soul #soulcountry #guitar #cigarboxguitar #neworleans #batonrouge #Louisianamusic #bluescenter #zztop #gospel #slimharpo #buddyguy #lutherkent

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