Sonic Tonic Experience podcast

Ryan Anthony

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Today is June 23, 2021 and is the 1 year anniversary of Ryan Anthony's untimely passing after a long battle with cancer. Our love and support go out to his family, friends and all who continue to love and miss Ryan.

This podcast is a rebroadcast of the June 27, 2020 episode which aired just 4 days after Ryan's passing last year on June 23, 2020. 

His incredible trumpet artistry with the Canadian Brass, Dallas Symphony Orchestra and Cancer Blows event are featured in this special 45 min podcast. As well as special photos from our time together traveling with the McDonald's Marching and Jazz Band as seniors in high school, and the last time I saw and played with Ryan in 2018 with the H2 Big Band in Colorado. Please consider donating or buying merchandise from to help support music and cancer research.

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