Social Lights podcast

Community at the Heart of Everything - Episode 57

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In this episode of the Social Lights Podcast, podcast host and Social Mediology founder Kate vanderVoort chats with Peace Mitchell, investor, international keynote speaker, co-founder of the Women's Business School and Ausmumpreneur, author and host of Best And Brightest podcast, Australian ambassador for women in tech and a business expert. Peace has a community of over 50,000 women and believes that investing in women in purpose led business is the number one way to change the world.

About Peace

Peace is inspired every day by the incredible women that are running businesses, starting businesses, scaling businesses and women who are really passionate about making a difference through the work that they do in their business. 

She started as a primary school teacher but later realized that online business was going to be the answer to find a way that she could work at home and still be at home with her children, while still be able to pursue her professional career ambitions and bring to life all of her ideas and dreams and following her calling. Her love for the community began as an idea to bring women together, to support, to uplift and to provide them with the connections they need to succeed.

Peace is a co-founder of the Women's Business School and Ausmumpreneur, author and host of Best And Brightest podcast. She is an Australian ambassador for women in tech with over 50,000 women in her community and a business expert. Her new book, The Women Changing The World will be out in December 2021.


“Women are the world's greatest untapped resource; if we could encourage and support women to be everything that they want to be and know that they can be, it could be incredible.” (7:15)

Peace believes that women see the world through a completely different lens by the natural instinct of women nurturing and caring for others, this means that women approach things in a different way than typically a man would. She thinks that it flows through to business; the way that women look after their customers, the way that they look after this staff and the way that they solve problems. She said that women hold the key to an unlocking and solving the problems that the world's facing everything from leadership. Peace believes that investing in women is the number one way to change the world and if we could invest in women and give them the support to really get their ideas off the ground, we would see big changes happening in the world. And from an investor perspective, she thinks that women are more likely to be successful and bring in more money.


“Community is at the heart of everything we do and our vision has always been to create a circular community” (7:15)

Peace talked about the communities being at the heart of everything. She believes that creating a circular community where the women who were starting out can get support and encouragement from the women who have more experience has always been at the core of why they started building a community. She said that it's all about working together and collaborating and connection. And being that women are just naturally good at communication and supporting each other, the generosity that we see within their community is incredible. It’s about women going out of their way to help each other and really caring about each other. She strongly believes in the philosophy; “We rise by lifting others”, and that it's a huge key to building community.


“Connections is everything. Success isn't just...

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