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Saggy Froggy welcomes you to her podcast.
Topics included are; 
The Wool Monty 2022 - https://thewoolmonty.co.uk/
Twiddlers - https://www.inspireculture.org.uk/arts-culture/community/knit-crochet-craft-in-libraries/twiddlers/
The Womens Institue - www.thewii.org.uk or follow #Whereswinnie
Book reviews: Cat Knits, 16 Pawsome knitting patterns for yarn and cat lovers by Marna Gilligan and Magical Woodland Knits, knitting patterns for 12 wonderfully life-like animals by Claire Garland.
There's is also a fun discussion as to how you can turn your pet hair into yarn!
Connect with Saggy Froggy via both Instagram @saggyfroggy or via e-mail [email protected]

More episodes from "Saggy Froggy Knits, a knitting and fiber arts podcast"