Disruptors podcast

How Santini Lancioni Doubled His Profits to $6.5MM Dollars in 2024

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Santini Lancioni of Hall of Fame Real Estate flew in from South Jersey talking about how he doubled his profits from $3 million to six and a half in 2024. How Santini Lancioni Doubled His Profits to $6.5MM Dollars in 2024 | Video Replay How Santini Lancioni Doubled His Profits to $6.5MM Dollars in 2024 To Close More Sales Faster: closemoresales.com/salesmasterclass MOTIVATED LEADSGet a $300 Credit When You Mention STEVE TRANG when you contact us.https://www.motivatedleads.com/ The Collective Genius Connect with the top Real Estate Operators in the Country and Get Access to Capital for your deals. Visit: www.100PercentMoney.com Objection Proof Selling Sell As Your Authentic Self https://objectionproofselling.com/ How Santini Lancioni Doubled His Profits to $6.5MM Dollars in 2024 Santini Lancioni | The Hall of Fame Real Estate https://www.instagram.com/santinilancioni www.hofrealestatenj.com As CEO, Santini is a driving force behind HOF’s rapid growth, spearheading the implementation of systems, people and new opportunities within the industry. Prior to real estate, Santini had a very successful career in corporate sales and during that time he began to invest in the single & multifamily homes. In 2018, Santini decided to follow his passion by leaving corporate America and going into real estate full time. Since then he has done over 500+ real estate transactions through creative finance, house flips and rentals.  Santini attended Stockton University where he graduated in 2012 with a BS in business management. In 2017 he was inducted into the Stockton Basketball Hall of Fame. His love for basketball and passion for real estate is how we then became Hall of Fame Real Estate. How Santini Lancioni Doubled His Profits to $6.5MM Dollars in 2024 | Takeaways 1. Focus on profit, not just revenue or deals. 2. Build a local celebrity status through community events. 3. Compensate top talent well to attract them to your team. 4. Leverage relationships with industry professionals. 5. Set clear boundaries and have documented agreements, even in personal/family business relationships. Get 10% OFF on InvestorLift. Use promo code DISRUPTORS. Earn MORE in wholesaling—FAST! https://get.investorlift.com/disruptors/ Share this with someone who would value this information. 👉 For more excellent free content! 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We’re looking for people who want to invest in real estate. If this is you, go to www.teamwithsteve.com. LOOKING FOR A NEW CAREER? DISRUPTORS IS HIRING! Want to work with us? https://www.disruptorsjobs.com/ Get 10% OFF on InvestorLift. Use promo code DISRUPTORS. Earn MORE in wholesaling—FAST! https://get.investorlift.com/disruptors/ Helpful Links Buy our Perfect Seller Appointment Checklist. https://www.disruptors.com/checklist Want to close more deals without spending any more money? Go to 👉https://www.disruptors.com. Please give us a follow on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/steve.trang TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@stevetrang Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stevetrang Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/stevetrang Visit: https://web.disruptors.com/erc www.agentinvestors.com/red www.joinreal.com [email protected] Text me at 480-637-2313 Real Estate Resources Please find out more about wholesaling by joining our movement at https://l9aljqz8k7.wpdns.site. Join Our Private FB Group. https://www.facebook.com/groups/realestatedisruptors/ Real Estate Resources: https://www.disruptors.com/tools About Steve Trang Steve Trang’s mission is to create 100 Millionaires. Why 100 Millionaires? Steve saw that assisting someone become a millionaire by building their business is a key measurable to helping them fulfill their dreams. People change and update their visions over time, but having the means to achieve them remains a necessity. Thus, creating millionaires means helping people live their dreams. To further this mission, Steve started the Real Estate Disruptors podcast in 2018 to inspire wholesalers and real estate agents to double their incomes by adding a second leg to their business — working together on investment properties. The podcast has grown to over 100,000 downloads per month and over 3 million YouTube views, with new guests sharing their success stories and imparting advice every week. As a sales coach, Steve has helped thousands of clients generate millions in sales over the past few years in a variety of industries. His Disruptors Selling System teaches salespeople to ethically work with customers to discover their true needs, and then craft a solution that works for the customer. One of Steve’s favorite quotes is from the great Zig Ziglar: “You can have everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want.” He heard this quote when he first got into real estate, and it has stuck with him throughout his entire career. In fact, it’s one of the core values Steve lives by. Steve is also a successful businessman. On top of owning single-family rentals, he also owns apartments, co-founded a bank, and is a part-owner of several other businesses. How Santini Lancioni Doubled His Profits to $6.5MM Dollars in 2024 The post How Santini Lancioni Doubled His Profits to $6.5MM Dollars in 2024 appeared first on Real Estate Disruptors.

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