Pet-Food-Vet podcast

Introducing the Pet Food Safety Veterinary Lab service--pet owners can check their pets food now!

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Pet owners are finally able to check for contaminants in their pet's food!   

No longer are pet owners subjected to whatever marketing is on pet food labels Pet owners can now send samples directly to PET FOOD SAFETY VETERINARY LABS and Dr. Donna DeBonis will provide analysis, reports, and consultation. She will work with both pet owners and veterinarians.  

Pet owners are paying a pretty penny for pet food--sometimes as much as $5 a pound for some 'ultra premium ' pet food. Now they can see exactly what their money is buying. They can check for ingredients, DNA of species, nutrient analysis, and also any poisons. Poisons are possible--remember melamine poisoning in 2007? How about euthanasia solution in pet food in 2018?  Aflatoxin (mold toxin)  in 2020 and 2019... and no end in sight. But YOU now have control by testing your pet's food!

Animal feed supply chain does not operate under the same rules as the human food supply chain. That is why poisons get into pet food.  Test your pet's food at PET FOOD SAFETY VETERINARY LAB 

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