Lovafide with Nicole C. podcast

Ep. 30 The Right Answer in a Wrong Culture

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Have you ever had the right answer and according to some, it still put you in the wrong? Have you ever been tempted to keep the truth to yourself because it would make you unpopular, or could cost you your life? Well, I want to search the scriptures and check in on one of our hero’s in the faith and see how he handled his right answer, in the wrong culture.

Daniel knew he had heard from God, but would he have the courage needed to deliver it to the King?

Lean in as we explore this Lovenote together. 

Scripture Memory:

Gal. 6:9

"And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not."

To Read My book: My Redeemer Lives, It’s personal, A story of Hope for our time visit NicoleCMullen.com

Watch and listen to my music visit NicoleCMullen.com

Be sure to find more Scripture Memory videos.

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