Living with Cancer podcast

Episode 22 - Colin Hall - Lymphoma

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An interview with Colin Hall, a cancer warrior in the true sense of the word. At the age of 80 Colin shares how he has fought his Lymphoma not only with a positive attitude but he describes his journey as one that has taught him to reevaluate how he deals with challenging situations in life. Colin believes it is important to allow your family and friends to not only help you but also to love you. He shares how laughing has helped him through many dark days. Colin explains how he fought his cancer and continues to live his live with his "10 minute battery charging routine". He also believes that fighting cancer can be compared to charging a battery. Just as a battery needs to be charged to function properly, a person fighting cancer needs to undergo treatment to restore their health. Colin explains how replenishing energy is similar to how a battery stores energy, the body also has its own reserves of energy that can be replenished during cancer treatment. Proper nutrition, rest, and exercise can help the body regain strength and energy during and after treatment.

A book recommendations from Colin that provided him with insight and comfortable to overcome cancer:

Colin's 10 minute energy recharger secret:

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