Leftist Reading: The Worldview and Philosophical Methodology of Marxism-Leninism Part 22
Episode 157:
This week we’re continuing with:
The Worldview and Philosophical Methodology of Marxism-Leninism
Written for the Vietnamese curriculum and translated by Luna Nguyen
You can purchase a copy and support translation of the further curriculum here:
[Part 1 - 5]
Introduction to the Basic Principles of Marxism
[Part 6 - 10]
Part I: The Worldview and Philosophical Methodology of Marxism-Leninism
Chapter 1: Dialectical Materialism
[Part 11 - 20]
Chapter 2: Materialist Dialectics
[Part 21]
Chapter 3: Cognitive Theory of Dialectical Materialism
[Part 22 - This Week]
Chapter 3: Cognitive Theory of Dialectical Materialism
1. Praxis, Consciousness, and the Role of Praxis in Consciousness
c. The Relationship Between Praxis and Consciousness - 0:18
Annotation 221: 0:55 - 1:45
Annotation 222: 6:22 - 8:52
Annotation 223: 9:03 - 10:07
2. Dialectical Path of Consciousness to Truth - 10:42
a. Opinions of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin about the Dialectical Path of Consciousness to Truth - 10:47
Annotation 224: 10:53 - 11:18
Annotation 225: 12:05 - 14:23
Annotation 226: 14:49 - 15:41
Annotation 227: 18:37 - 20:40
Annotation 228: 23:28 - 27:06
Annotation 229: 28:00 - 28:53
Annotation 230: 29:38 - 31:12
Annotation 231: 32:24 - 35:08
[Part 23]
Chapter 3: Cognitive Theory of Dialectical Materialism
Figure 1 - 15:26
The cognitive process is a continuous cycle which describes the dialectical development of consciousness and practical activity.
Figure 2 - 18:46
Figure 3 - 23:45
Figure 4 - 29:42
The dialectical relationship between consciousness and practical activities means that conscious activities develop practical activities, and vice versa, in a continuous feedback loop.
Figure 5 - 30:39
The dialectical relationship between consciousness and practical activity is what drives the development of humanity. We imagine better ways of doing things, then test those ideas against reality through practical activity.
1) 5:10
Theses On Feuerbach, Karl Marx, 1845.
2) 5:35
Materialism and Empirio-Criticism, Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, 1908.
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