Learn Medical Spanish podcast

Spanish Pelvic Exam (2 versions) - for ER / urgent care

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How to do a pelvic exam in Spanish, in a setting like the ED or urgent care where you won't do a pap smear, and you may not have foot rests or stirrups on your gurney.

The ALL-SPANISH version starts at 11:47

 📺 YouTube version ENGLISH/SPANISH:  https://youtu.be/KhNgfV3FQik   

📺 YouTube version ALL SPANISH:  https://youtu.be/AMTaygEXFV4   

📧 Focused Beginner Lessons (medical Spanish):   https://www.learnmedicalspanish.org/get-beginner-lessons/

*👨‍🎓 "Essential EM Spanish" (CME course) details:

*NOTE: At the time of publishing, the course is $200 off using code HOLIDAY200 (thru Jan 5th 2024).  

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