How 2 rob a bank podcast

How 2 lie with Zombie Statistics

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Zoey and Bia discuss what zombie statistics are, why it's hard for zombie statistics and facts to die and whether it is right for a wrong statistic to be cited even if it produces positive effects.


  • 00:15 – Lies, damned lies and statistics
  • 01:48 – Zombie statistics definition

Quiz and answers discussion

  • 03:52 – Zombie stats or facts quiz
  • 05:45 – Zombie stat/fact #1 – One in four people will suffer from mental illness/ depression in their lifetime
  • 09:18 – Zombie stat/fact #2 – You need to drink eight glasses of water a day
  • 12:18 – Zombie stat/fact #3 – People use only 10% of their brains
  • 14:22 – Zombie stat/fact #4 – You need to walk 10,000 steps a day to stay healthy and fit
  • 19:05 – Zombie stat/fact # 5 – The ban of plastic straws will massively reduce plastic waste in our oceans

General discussion

  • 26:26 – Discussion on why it's hard for zombie stats/facts to "die" - beneficial information to people/companies and confirmation bias?
  • 30:37 – Is it okay for a statistic to be wrong even if it has a positive effect?
  • 33:45 – Making sure you understand the entire story of the statistic and taking it with a pinch of salt
  • 35:29 – Conclusions

Useful links:

  • Adult Psychiatric Morbidity in England - 2007, Results of a household survey
  • Medical Myths"
  • Dirty Streaming: The Internet's Big Secret

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